1D Technician

This course is the culmination of the technician classes. Each requisite important to the proper management of hazardous materials scenarios is instructed. Topics include legal framework, regulations, heat stress considerations when dressed in PPE/CPC, Level A situations, terrorism, tactical operations, and decontamination.

Learning Objectives

1.    Understand regulations that relate to hazardous materials responses and learn how to plan such responses

2.    Participate in interactive activities such as using chlorine emergency kits, setting up decontamination corridors, utilizing strategy and tactics of entry operations, fixing industrial pipe systems, understanding medical and emergency rescue considerations while wearing protective suits, patching drums and tanks, and practicing responses to realistic scenarios

3.    Become familiar with non-bulk/bulk packaging requirements for hazardous materials when transported through rail, aircraft, pipeline, water, or highway

4.    Gain a knowledge of biological and chemical terrorism