Hazmat Assistant Safety Officer

This course equips Hazardous Materials Specialists/Technicians with tools to become capable Hazardous Materials Assistant Safety Officers with the ICS. The goal for this class is for students to be equipped with the ability to recognize, inventory, and survey the risks/hazards in a given situation and react appropriately. This is either to be in the form of reaching out to the corresponding supervisor who can mitigate the situation, or by taking direct action. The student will also be properly prepared to arrange a hazardous materials response that is congruous with the organization at a terrorist event and with the emergency response plan. The Hazardous Materials Assistant Safety Officer is also responsible for preparing and developing parts of plans specific to various site and events (ICS 208HM) which relate to the safety of personnel. Such will be covered during the scope of the course.

Learning Objectives

1.    Learn to become capable Hazardous Materials Assistant Safety Officers with the ICS

2.    Understand how to recognize, inventory, and survey the risks/hazards in a given situation and react appropriately by either reaching out to the corresponding supervisor who can mitigate the situation or by taking direct action

3.    Attain an understanding of how to arrange a hazardous materials response that is congruous with the organization at a terrorist event and with the emergency response plan

4.    Become familiar with preparing and developing parts of plans specific to various site and events (ICS 208HM) which relate to the safety of personnel